Our Elite Field Hockey Stick Collection designed for those serious about advancing their game!
Cutting Edge technologies in 4 different BOWs and your choice of carbon to take your game to the next level! Your Stick should be an extension of you and YOUR style of play. With the right stick bow and carbon, your game will be elevated!
HOW Do I Choose?
LOW BOW SWORD Choose Carbon: 95,85,70,50 or 40,30,20%
- For Player who love ball movement, dodges, lifts, backhand moves and shots on goal and to get off strong sweeps and hits as well! Bow is 24mm@ 200mm
PRO BOW BLADE & SOLID Choose Carbon 95,85, 70, 50,or 30,20,10%
-With a higher bow making less of a curve, this stick is perfect for an All Around player who does a little bit of everything on the field, technical skills, tackles and ball distribution. Bow is 24mm @ 250mm
MID BOW GRAVITY POWER Choose Carbon 90. 60. 40 or 20, 10, 5%
For players who game is to make great tackles and after a move here or there, distribute with a powerful sweep or hit! With a long sweet spot due to the high minimal bow, and the physics of the straighter stick make this a Power stick. Bow is 24mm@ 300mm
EXTREME LOW BOW JHUKNAA Choose Carbon 100, 85, 70 or 50%
For the Technical player. A lower, pronounced curve just above the hook offers a shorter rotation from forehand to backhand enhancing quick dribble, dodging and lifting in tight spaces, Great for Drag Flicks, tight ball movement (indian dribble) and lifted shots. Bow is 25mm @ 200mm
Still Unsure? Email us ?'s info@imfieldhockey.com